Munich Oktoberfest

Bavarian Beerfestival in Munich from
21. September - 06. October

Tips and information to the great beerparty in Munich

Official dates of the great bavarian beerparty

Dates of the 180th Munich Oktoberfest (Bavaria, Germany)
This year we have again a round Anniversary to celebrate in Munich
The traditional Munich beer-party starts already for the 180 th time!
Also this year the traditional bavarian area (called "Oide Wiesn") is back

Aktuelle News und Neuheiten aus München...



Current dates and party calendar
Agenda with all important dates and terms

Find dates, terms and info of the munich octoberfest party
Come to bavaria and joy the greatest beerparty of the world
Joy the bavarian culture, the city and the hospitality in Munich
Learn mor about the famous costumes (dirndl and leather trousers)

Hotelbooking for Munich visitors!
Here you'll find a nice hotel-booking-tool...

Day Time Event
sa, 21.09. 11.00 am The hosts and breweries move to the party area
sa, 21.09. 12.00 am Traditional opening in the "Schottenhamel" tent
su, 22.09. 10.00 am Great bavarian shooters and costume parade
mo, 23.09. 12.00 am Seniors hosting in the tents (only with invitation)
tu, 24.09. 12.00 am First family day for children, parents and families
we, 25.09. 10.00 am

Joy weekdays low prices at the "Mittagswiesn"

th, 26.09. 10.00 am Common octoberfest ecumenical worship
sa, 28.09. all day Traditional "italian weekend" at the beerparty
su, 29.09. all day Already party halftime at the Theresienwiese
su, 29.09. 11.00 am Concert of all chapels in front of the Bavaria
mo, 30.09. 03.00 pm Hot gay event in the Fischer-Vroni tent
tu, 01.10. 12.00 am Second family day with great discounts
th, 03.10. all day Today's holiday! Perfect for a leisurely stroll
fr, 04.10. all day Farewell to long-serving staff
sa, 05.10. all day The last weekend of the munich beerfestival
su, 06.10. 12.00 am Traditional shooting in front of the Bavaria
su, 06.10. 11.30 pm It's the end my friend - the octoberfestparty is over



Reservations in advance
Hotel booking and ticket service (table and seats in the beer hall)

Reservation of hotels and tickets for the beer tents in Munich - Table, seat and hotelbooking service

The visit in Munich and at the "Oktoberfest" wants to be a little planned. This includes not only to book the flight or the train. Also to begin early in the year with the table and seat reservation. The tickets in the beer tents are limited. Check early for a free hotels, for a room or a guesthouse to stay the night in Munich. Finally the Munich visit should be planed as well as the remaining visit on the festival...


Festival ground and marquees
The seats or tables in the tents are a hot commodity. Because without seat you dont get a beer and the bavarian delicacies. And without this celebration is only half as good. The booking of the tickets must be made directly at the festival tent or in its reservation office.


Important in this context is, that every year only a part of the tables and seats in the beer tents can be booked in advance (means can be reserved or pre ordered). The remaining seats are freely available for everyone - even without reservation or pre-order! So not only the big companies from all over Germany (and all around the world) have tickets and a place. Also the Munich residents and the all families of the city should have the chance to celebrate on the Theresienwiese.

Oktoberfest reservation - info service and addresses of the beer tents (reservation offices) for your order...

Hotels, private rooms and other accommodation
Accommodation during the Munich residence is one of the central points of your Oktoberfest trip. There are several options and possibilities of rooms and accommodation. It's up to you for what you decide and what you take - you only should start early in the year with a search.

Current tip for Munich visitors!
Here you will find free hotel rooms...

Some of our "Last Minute hotel and room offers"
(Each of the links brings you to a site with interesting details. Click to get info and current prices of the following last-minute-offers on our partner-site)
  1. Bavarian Guest House - night from 38,- Euro p.P. read more...
  2. New Design Hotel - rooms from 70,- to 100,- Euro p.P. more...
  3. Private rooms in Munich - stay from 59,- Euro p.P. more info ...
  4. Booking Tool - Find and book a hotel room in Munich offers...
Here you'll find an another hotelbooking tool for direct-booking...try the tool...


The new official poster is presented
Official motive for souvenirs and memorabilia

New Oktoberfestposter
At the beginning of the year, the winner of the traditional "poster competition" was presented. The new official poster of the Munich Oktoberfest and the winning motive designer was announced to the press. This year the number one of the competition is... a beer mug!

Neues Wiesnplakat - Oktoberfest München

Thats the new poster - Design by Akim Sämmer
Picture from TAM / Munich City

The artist
The Munich design student "Akim Sämmer" designed this year's winning poster ("Mass-jug") of the poster competition. The design was selected by a jury and voted as the best design.

Currently, the 21 year-old man studies communication design at the U5 Academy. He will finish in 2014. In addition to his studies, he plas mainly with his dog. In his spare time he tries in the Chinese martial art "Wu Shu".

The motive
At the new poster you can see a glass pitcher (the glass Stein is called "Isarseidl") with the typical "dings" (eyes). He packed in the beer a pretzel, a piece of white-blue sky, and many colourful blubber-bubbles.

More info
More information about the competition, the winning artist and the other second and third places can be found on the Web at "" and on the magazines ""...

Current magazines of the Munich Oktoberfest | |

New Oktoberfest Steins
The official mugs and collectors jugs

Oktoberfest Festzelt in München

Even this year the new poster will be placed on the various oktoberfest-souvenirs. Because only with the official motive the memento is also an "official memorabilia".

Souvenirs, keepsakes and gifts from the Oktoberfest enjoy every year great popularity. And every year the official bavarian beer steins are in the ranking of the "most popular Oktoberfest souvenirs" in the "Top 10".

Various models
From the official beer steins thers are always a whole range of different models to choose from. From 1.0 liters to 0.5 and 0.3 liters down to 4 cl. In addition, you can also choose the material - Take "glass" (glass jars) or "tone" (stone jars or stein jugs).

Popular souvenirs
Whether as a souvenir, gift, collectible pitcher for collectors or as a customer gift in the business sector - with the new oktoberfest stein or host pitcher you're always on the safe side!


Current steins and pitchers (Wiesnkrug)
The "Munich Oktoberfest-Mugs" (also known as "official year-jugs" or as "official festival stein") appear every year the new poster-design from the Wiesnplakat. There are different jug-sizes starting with 1.0 litre (in bavaria called "Masskrug"). They are made of "stone" (clay beer stein - in bavaria called "Keferloher") or "glass" (glass jar - in bavaria called "Isarseidel").
Our tip - you dont need a whole litre? There are other, smaller variations, in stone and glass too.

In our oktoberfestshop you can order the news beer mugs...
All about the current mugs and steins (german language only)...

Hosts jugs (Wirtekrug)
The "hosts jug" (Wirtekrug) is officially called "the common hosts festival pitcher". His theme (decor) also changes annually. Here you can see a historical bavarian scene from the Munich beer festival. Ebenso wie der Wiesnkrug ist der Wirtekrug ein "Keferloher" (also ein Masskrug aus Ton, auch Steinkrug genannt). Like the official pitcher the common hosts-mug is a "Keferloher" (1.0 litre stein / clay jug).

Here you can order the new "hosts jug" (Wirtekrug)...
Learn more about the hosts stein (german language only)...

Customer gifts
The Oktoberfest mugs are not only a great gift for souvenir collectors and private people. Even for Companies and as a gift in the business sector the Bavarian tankards of the Oktoberfest are perfect. Whether as customer present, employee gift or as an "extra on top" when ordering - the beer mugs can be used in many ways. So its not a big surprise that many business owners in Munich use them as a nice and high-quality gift for their client. Especially Asians and Americans love this traditional piece of "bayer culture" over all.

Hier kommen Business-Kunden zum Firmenservice...

Steins Collectors
You have a gap in your beer mug collection? Are you missing one of the limited jugs? If you're in search of an already "sold-out" stein (Wiesnkrug) from the past years? Then you might get help from the "mug collectors service". Of course the guys can bring you also the current bumper - make your preorder till end of july or order one of the limited and coveted Oktoberfeststeins in time.

Here you can buy the new "Oktoberfest-Steins"...
And here you'll find more about the "collector service"...

Latest news about the new jugs and cups
More about the new Oktoberfest steins and pitchers

Current update - Addendum to the mugs
Now we known more details and the prices for this year. Also there are the first pictures of the new beer-steins...


As every year the jar is decorated with the new poster design for the Oktoberfest. The jug is made as a 1.0 litre beer stein (called "Keferloher"). The pitchers have a good quality. They're produced in limited edition. So they increase their value every year.

Offizieller Festkrug zur Wiesn

Official hard jug
(Oktoberfestmug without cover)
Get the Pitcher in the store...
Offizieller Wiesnkrug mit Zinndeckel

New Pitcher
(Oktoberfeststein with lid)
Buy the new pitcher...

By default, the pitcher is available without a lid. Better for collectors (but also more expensive) it is in the version with a engraved pewter lid.

The price for the new mug is 15,- Euro (official oktoberfeststein without lid). For the same jug with tin lid you pay 31,- Euro. Tip - the tin lid this year was engraved again with a new theme. More info and the pictures comes after the official presentation (late in August)...

Corporate customers
The presented jugs are quite a popular gift for good customers or loyal employees during a common visit on the oktoberfest or at a corporate event. In the "business store", you'll find the Bavarian pitcher as well as many other gift ideas. There is also the possibility to customize many gifts - for example with your logo. You can even personalize (labeled with different names) many things. Test the business service...

In a beautiful tradition the hosts of the large marquees bring out a common pitcher. Known for his nostalgic scenes and historical motifs the jug shines this year again with its beautiful implementation. The jug is made as a classic "Keferloher" - with a full liter (Masskrug) and a salt glaze (Salzlasur).

Host octoberfest mug without cover - Wirtekrug zur Wiesn

Current annual beer-jug
(Hosts mug without cover)
Get the stein in the shop...
Hosts oktoberfest stein with pewter lid - Wirtekrug mit Zinndeckel

Solid pitcher for collectors
(Hosts cup with lid)
Get the pitcher in the store...

The price for the hosts mug (Wirtekrug) without lid is 24,- Euro. For the hard jug with lid you have to pay in Munich 33,- Euro. Learn more about the hosts pitchers in our next souvenirs update (end of August)...

New Oktoberfest-Cup
The new Munich coffee mug (coffee-cup) is presented. See the images, prices and order conditions of the new cups.

Offizielle Oktoberfest Kaffee-Tassen
Official oktoberfestcup (coffee mug with the new poster)
You can buy the new mugs in the Oktoberfestshop...

The new cup costs 7,- Euro (so it's the same price as last year). You can order the new souvenirs in the Oktoberfest Store...


More bavarian jugs
The famous jugs of the Oktoberfest (above) are completed by a number of "not so famous mugs". These include e.g. the "marquee pitchers" (individual steins from the tents). Also available are jugs with Bavarian motives or with different motives from Munich (like flags, sightseeing spots and so on). In any case a perfect solution for a beautiful, original bavarian gift!

Here you can get different bavarian steins...

Latest news and releases
New rides and fun fair rides - Fairground rides special

Wiesnneuheiten - Neuheiten auf der Wiesn und die neuen Fahrgeschäfte

What you can expect this year at the fairgrounds? Below we present you the main rides news of this year...

New fair rides
At the fairground rides there are several premieres and innovations at the Theresienwiese this year. These are...

In the new adventure track "Odyssey" you get a thrilling ride through the ancient world. Odyssey is one of the largest mobile rides worldwide...

In the rollercoaster "Cobra" you get a rapid cornering with loops and thrills. The ride of the coaster goes through a jungle temple...

Pirates Adventure
In the high-tech running-fun "Pirates Adventure" you will jump into the world of pirates and privateers. With stormy seas, pirate battles and a big treasure...

Sky Fall
Even the highest transportable "Free Fall Tower" of the world is visiting the Munich Octoberfest. With the "Sky Fall" you rise 70 meters into the air - then you'll fall down without brakes...

Oide Wiesn
For all lovers of the Bavarian tradition and customs, it becomes very nostalgic this year. After the break of the historic area in the last year (Wiesn 2012, because of the ZLF) the "Oide Wiesn" is back on the Theresienwiese.

A lot of "old friends" expect you this year - the "marquee tradition" (Festzelt Tradition), the "museum-tent" (Museumszelt) or the "Herzkasperlzelt" with modern bavarian musik. Also a lot of nostalgic rides, puppet shows for the kids and much more.

Buy tickets
The ticket to the closed area makes 3.- Euro, for children till 14 years it's free. Especially for bestager, seniors and families with kids the "Oide Wiesn" is a nice, save and quiet alternative to the rest of the Oktoberfest.

More information about the historical "Oide Wiesn", their rides and tents...



The new visitor barometer
The best days and times to visit the Oktoberfest

We show you which days are the most popular for the visitors. With the "visitor barometer" you can find out the best times at the fairgrounds. Relay and enjoy a stress-free visit at the world's greatest beer-party.

Good times, bad times - A perfekt day in the famous partyzone...

Octoberfest visitor barometer - Best days and times for your visit

For your info - Expected visitors at the Munich Oktoberfest. The preview was created with the experience and data of the previous years.

Please note, that the quantity of visitors also depend on the weather. With warm and sunny days in the autumn its allways quite busy at the fairgrounds.

Tip! Last Minute hotel and room offers...
  1. Bavarian Guest House - night from 38,- Euro p.P. read more...
  2. New Design Hotel - rooms from 70,- to 100,- Euro p.P. more...
  3. Private rooms in Munich - stay from 59,- Euro p.P. more info ...
  4. Booking Tool - Find and book a hotel room in Munich offers...



The new map of the festival grounds
Current floor plan - location map of the Festival management

The Oktoberfest is the biggest beer festival in the world. Here we give you an overview of the huge festival-grounds. Where are the big beer tents? Also you can find the service facilities on the Theresienwiese.

Oktoberfest location map - Official map of the Festival management

Official location map - Roadmap of the Festival management
Please read the legend to understand the individual sybols



Opening hours at the Oktoberfest
Opening, dispensing and party times in Munich

Opening times at the Munich Oktoberfest

Start, end and opening times
The Munich Oktoberfest starts on Saturday 21 Sept and ends on Sunday, 06 Okt.

The festival opens daily, all days and full time (even on holiday, 03 October). See the daily opening hours and opening times...

Sales box
Monday - Friday 10.00 clock - 23.30 clock
Saturday and 02:10. 09.00 clock - 24.00 clock
Sunday and holidays 09.00 clock - 23.30 clock

Monday - Friday 10.00 clock - 23.30 clock
Saturday and 02:10. 10.00 clock - 24.00 clock
Sunday and holidays 10.00 clock - 23.30 clock

Beer Tents
Monday - Friday 10.00 clock - 22.30 clock
Sa, Su and holidays 09.00 clock - 22.30 clock
Curfew 23.30 clock

See below some of our "Last Minute" hotel and room offers

1) Bavarian Guest House - night from 38,- Euro p.P. read more...
2) New Design Hotel - rooms from 70,- to 100,- Euro p.P. more...
3) Private rooms in Munich - stay from 59,- Euro p.P. more info ...
4) Booking Tool - Find and book a hotel room in Munich offers...

Dispensing times
You'll get beer in the large festival halls till 22.30 clock. In the smaller tents you can order till 23.00 clock. Only two big marquees (the "Käfer Wiesnzelt" and "Kufflers Weinzelt") are open untill 01.00 clock at night. There the beer service ends at 00.15 clock.

Dont drink and drive!
Our request for all party-peolpe.... Let your car at home! Please use public transportation by MVG and MVV or take a taxi.

Alternatively, there is the "Wiesnexpress" in the town. Order a VIP bus, use the limousines or the shuttle service... read more...

Anzeige Anzeige

Current Beer Prices
New prices for the Mass Oktoberfest beer

Beer Prices in the marquees

Months before starting the festival the organizer (from the city Munich) has officially announced the new beer prices for the individual marquees.

This year the oktoberfestbeer costs between 9.40 and 9.85 Euro. Last year (2012) the prices for the mass beer were still from 9.10 to 9.50 euros. And 2 years ago (2011) we payed 8.70 to 9.20 euros. As you can see, the price increases the last years with around 35 Cent almost in the same way.

Following the current beer prices (sorted by "increasing prices")...

Oktoberfestbeer / Wiesnbier (price per litre)  
Hühnerbraterei Ammer 9,40 Euro
Vinzenz Murr Metzgerstubn 9,40 Euro
Oide Wiesn - Museumszelt (Avi und Krems) 9,40 Euro
Fisch-Bäda (Lingnau) 9,50 Euro
Heinz Heilmaier Hühnerbraterei 9,50 Euro
Heimer u. Schmid Enten- u. Hühnerbraterei 9,50 Euro
Haxnbraterei Hochreiter 9,50 Euro
Hühner-u.Entenbraterei Wildmoser 9,50 Euro
Kalbskuchl (Able)
9,60 Euro
Augustiner-Festhalle (Vollmer) 9,60 Euro
Poschners Hühner- und Entenbraterei 9,60 Euro
Wirtshaus im Schichtl (Schauer) 9,60 Euro
Oide Wiesn - Festzelt Tradition 9,60 Euro
Glöckle Wirt (Hanns Werner Glöckle) 9,70 Euro
Zur Bratwurst (Hochreiter) 9,70 Euro
Knödelei - Wirtshaus in der Au 9,70 Euro
Ochsenbraterei (Spatenbräu-Festhalle) 9,70 Euro
Zum Stiftl (Wienerwald Betreiber GmbH) 9,70 Euro
Wildstuben (Renoldi Trudi) 9,70 Euro
Oide Wiesn - Herzkasperl Festzelt (Bachmaier) 9,70 Euro
Hofbräuhaus-Festhalle (Familie Steinberg) 9,75 Euro
Bräurosl (Pschorrbräu-Festhalle) 9,80 Euro
Hacker-Festhalle (Familie Roiderer) 9,80 Euro
Käfers Wiesnschänke (Michi Käfer) 9,80 Euro
Hippodrom Oktoberfestzelt (Familie Krätz) 9,80 Euro
Winzerer Fahndl (Paulaner-Festhalle, Pongratz)
9,80 Euro
Schützen-Festhalle (Reinbold) 9,80 Euro
Fischer-Vroni (Winter OHG) 9,80 Euro
Armbrustschützen-Festhalle (Inselkammer) 9,85 Euro
Löwenbräu-Festhalle (Hagn) 9,85 Euro
Schottenhamel-Festhalle 9,85 Euro
"White beer / Weissbier" (price per litre)  
Feisingers Käs und Weinstubn (1,0 Liter Weissbier) 11,80 Euro
Kufflers Weinzelt (1,0 Liter Weissbier) 15,00 Euro

Information without guarantee. Changes, errors and omissions excepted.

Further information, pictures and themes
Our team informed every year (among other things) about...
  • New Look! Pictures and information about the new poster
  • Background information about the Bavarian costumes fashion
  • New for this year - quick guide to the hip trends
  • Links to Dirndl trend-magazines and bavarian fashion trends
  • Shopping - Best shops for Dirndl and Bavarian lederhosen
  • Useful tips and addresses for your Oktoberfest reservation
  • How it works - Book tables and reserve seats at the Oktoberfest
  • Hostel and Hotels Booking in Munich - Festival accommodation
  • Popular traditions and fun on the largest folk festival in the world
  • Interesting facts about the traditional costumes (Trachten Fashion)
  • Shopping Tipps with beautiful Dirndl and Lederhosen
  • Fashion, outfit and new trends - styling tips and shopping offers
  • New hip trends, featured traditional trends and Dirndl trends
  • Model casting - Become the Wiesnmodel (Wiesnmadl and Wiesnbua)
  • Children Tips - discounts, offers and addresses for children and families
  • Recommendations to Afterwiesnpartys and trendy Wiesnclubs
  • If a topic is currently not online yet, please have a little patience! We update and expand constantly...

Oktoberfest shops, services and info - Dirndl trends and trachten fashion
New Styles | Dirnd-Shop | New Trends | New Fashion | Partyshop | Bavarian Fashion



More relevant info magazines for the next years | |

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Source of images and information - Poster TAM (City of Munich), Pictures of the steins and cups belong to the respective manufacturers. Dirndl by Sportalm Kitzbühel, images Trachten Men by Loden Frey (leather pants by Meindl). Information from Wiesnteam Munich, Dirndlteam, Trachtenteam and the involved partners. The "Wiesn barometer" based on data and design of the Festival management (TAM from the City of Munich), Official poster and map from the TAM (City of Munich) © Other rights always reserved